Catalyst Advertising

Case Study – CROP

Summary was tasked with completing 2,500 surveys on LGBTQ topics. By optimizing the budget allocation and focusing on high-performing channels, the objectives were met using less than half the budget and in less than half the expected time. The campaign ultimately garnered nearly 8,000 completed surveys and identified the most cost-effective and high-converting channels for the intended audience.


The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation launched a comprehensive pan-Canadian study to learn more about the realities of individuals from sexual and gender diversity. CROP, a Canadian marketing and data collection firm was tasked with executing the survey andapproached Catalyst Advertisingin early 2024 to attract survey participants. Given the sensitive nature of the topic, it was crucial to reach a diverse and representative audience through effective and efficient channels.

The Strategy
 To achieve the goal of 2,500 completed surveys, CatalystAdvertising implemented the following strategy:

  1. Channel Selection and Budget Allocation: Initially, the budget was spread across various channels to test their effectiveness. These channels included ads in social media and on the Google display network for LGBTQ engagement.We used Facebook, Instagram, Google Display, Performance Max, and Search ads.
  2. Performance Monitoring and Adjustment: The team continuously monitored the performance of each channel. Weaker channels that showed low conversion rates were identified, and their budgets were reallocated to stronger, high-converting channels. This agile approach ensured that resources were efficiently utilized.
  3. Engaging Content and Outreach: Tailored content and targeted messaging were developed to resonate with the LGBTQ community. This included creating inclusive and respectful survey graphics and text to invite survey participants.
  4. Data-Driven Decisions: Real-time data analytics were employed to track progress and make informed decisions. This allowed for quick pivots and adjustments to maximize survey completions.
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The Results

The campaign yielded impressive results:

  • Survey Completion: The initial objective of 2,500 surveys was not only met but greatly exceeded, with almost 8,000 surveys completed by the end of the campaign.
  • Budget Efficiency: The campaign was completed using less than half of the allocated budget. This was achieved by shifting funds from underperforming channels to those with higher conversion rates.
  • Time Efficiency: Objectives were met in less than half the expected time, demonstrating the effectiveness of the strategy and the efficiency of the execution.
  • Channel Insights: The campaign identified the least expensive and highest converting channels. These insights are invaluable for future campaigns targeting similar audiences or topics.


The strategic approach to optimizing budget allocation and focusing on high-performing channels led to outstanding results in the LGBTQ survey campaign. By completing nearly 8,000 surveys at a fraction of the budget and time, we demonstrated a capability to effectively and efficiently engage target audiences andto provide valuable insights for future campaigns.